
Back on track?

It’s not been a great running week, as you can imagine. After thinking about it carefully I decided not to see my osteopath before I saw my doctor about my painful knee – I just wanted to get a more independent point of view first..

So I didn’t run Monday and Tuesday and then went out for a cautious 3 on Wednesday. Mildly painful.. Thursday I did 4 – again, I knew about my knee. Friday I finally saw my doctor. Now one of the doctors in our practice is a marathoner and I was hoping to see her but I was out of luck – I saw a more sedentary type. However, the news is not bad. Apparently my pain is some form of runner’s knee, in a different place from where I had it before, but nonetheless it all seems quite similar, according to him. He thinks the very different movements of skiing followed by a hard workout just overloaded my tendons and something in there is swollen and irritated. His advice – don’t overdo it but you don’t have to stop..

And, to be honest, the pain is diminishing. It’s still there but it’s not stopping me from running. I did 10 yesterday with Sally and it was fine – I stopped for a few walkbreaks but still, generally, felt fine. I occasionally felt my knee but nothing to bother me seriously.

OK. Where does that leave me? I’ve got 10 weeks to go and was, actually, intending to just do the last 10 weeks of old Hal’s intermediate I program. I think what I might try this week is to switch the weeks around and do a step back week this week, keeping the mileage conservative. After yesterday’s 10 I’m moving the 7 miler to the end of the week and will do 4, 5, and 4 between now and Thursday. By then I should hopefully get a good indication of whether the pain really is diminishing and whether I’m getting past it. Cross your fingers and all else for me?

Finally – there’s nothing like not being able to run to make you appreciate running or you, my running blogging friends. Thank you for your support, interest and understanding – it really did help me. I, foolishly, believed myself to be past injury because I had not been injured for so long. Contemplating not being able to run this week really made me realise how much I love it and how much I need it.. Work is enjoyable but intense and demanding and domestic demands can be overwhelming too. There’s just nothing like heading outside after a day’s work and getting everything out of my system and into perspective.. And then coming home, reading your blogs and writing my own. It’s amazing how much it’s all part of my life now!

And finally finally – I just wanted to post this picture of me and another great running buddy, my mother. Just before going to Jackson Hole we went for a run together (my parents came over to look after our children while we were away). So here we are after a fun run together.

13 thoughts on “Back on track?

  1. Your mother? I would have thought that was your sister! She and you both look great!!

    I’m glad to hear the knee seems to be improving. Your plan to step back next week is what I would do, along with icing. I am keeping both fingers & toes crossed for you!!!

  2. Sorry you’re still feeling some pain, but it sounds like things are getting better! I’m just getting back on the road after a hamstring tendon pull, so I know how you feel – I just want to jump right back into it and be done with the whole thing. Keep it up, and don’t forget the ice and ibuprofen!


  3. I’m so glad that you’re on the mend Petra! I went to the FLM gold bond event in London yesterday and they really made it seem real to me – and achievable! The video they showed really choked me up… I so want to experience it! So hang in there with cautious training. 98% of people that make it to the starting line finish the FLM!

  4. Two beautiful ladies!!!

    Way to go on the good diagnosis. You’re a smart girl, so I am sure you’ll be cautious and all will be well.

    10 weeks — wow! Yay!

  5. Looks like things are looking up for you, Petra. So glad to hear that your pain is subsiding. Don’t go back too crazy. Make sure you have some left for your race.

    Thanks for the support on my runs!

  6. Glad to hear that things are looking up!!!

    I hope I am still running with my daughter when she is all grown up 🙂

  7. I’m so sorry for your pain. We all know how frustrating that can be. Here’s to 100% vibes being sent out!

    Your mom is adorable!

  8. What a nice pair! Sounds like you have a plan for stepping up to the starting line of your marathon which should work nicely!

  9. Petra, just got your email but didn’t have your email address, just the blogger noreply thingy.

    He’s my response on running Chicago:
    Are you serious? I’m so excited I can hardly sit in my chair! Thank you Petra for letting me know. I’ve been running, but a little out of touch with the blogging.

    I’m signing up today! I’m seriously so excited I’m
    about to burst! Just for the opportunity to meet you ladies in person, I would actually run 26.2 miles! 😉 We have to pull Susan in too. Has she shown any interest?

  10. You and your mother are “Cutie Petuties”! How awesome is it that you can share running together!

    10 weeks to go and you are going to be strong. I know it!

    Then turn it around and start all over again for Ocotber!

  11. Great picture- you are both very beautiful. 🙂

    I know exactly how you feel about how an injury (or a potential one) can bring you a whole new appriciation for running. Sometimes we lose that perspective! I think your “step-back” week sounds like a great idea, and don’t be afraid to take next week a little easier too. You’ve got plenty of time until your marathon. Good luck!!

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